Sunday, September 25, 2011

Beowulf Extra Credit

David Olivarez 5/6

A part in the book Beowulf in which the main character Beowulf shows epic hero qualities is when he stands before the lake Grendel's mother dwells. His men and him come upon the lake and see mighty lake-dwelling monsters slither amongst the water. With his mighty strength and keen aim Beowulf shoots an arrow into the heart of one of the great monsters killing it. His men bring the monster to shore where they viewed the hard scales that covered the dying monster. With bravery amongst all the others Beowulf began to fasten his mailshirt to his body and put his helmet upon his head. He was confident in the powerful armor and his own strength sure of his victory. He began to walk into the lake.
The three epic hero qualities he portrays here is strength, bravery amongst all others, and confidence in his victory.

1 comment:

  1. Leonel Tijerina 7/8

    The quintessential fight to show the qualities of an Epic Hero is that between Grendel and Beowulf. Grendel came to Hrothgar's home hoping to kill anyone he could trap on his way to Herot. When Grendel arrived at the Hall he found sleeping warriors. Grendel started to begin to his massacre by tearing one of the solders apart and eating him whole. But when he went to another soldier he found himself caught in Beowulf's strong grip. When Grendel felt that he could not escape fear started to flood his mind. Grendel had no idea that somebody stronger than him existed. After a good amount of struggling and ruckus, Beowulf tore Grendel's whole arm including shoulder and claw. Grendel escaped wounded back to his lair only to bleed to death. Beowulf hanged the fiend's arm high on the rafter so everybody could see and it served as proof for his victory. Beowulf shows three Epic Hero characteristic during the fight with Grendel and those are extraordinary strength, saving people, and being brave. He show extraordinary power by tearing Grendel's arm from his body, Bravery by being in the hall pretending to be asleep and waiting for Grendel, and he saved people(the Geats) by defeating Grendel. Also he is of noble decent but that is a natural epic hero characteristic.


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