Thursday, September 15, 2011

Beowulf: An Epic Poem (Extra Credit)

Describe one event in Beowulf that is a good example of 3 or more epic hero characteristics (look at your notes). In order to receive extra credit your answer must be specific, describe the event first and then explain which characteristic it is an example of and how. Extra credit will not be given for partial answers. 

Be sure to write your name (First and Last) and class period in order to get credit.

Worth: 10 points to your average

DUE BY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2011...12:00 MIDNIGHT!!!!! Any posts after midnight will not be given credit because it is all about time management :)


  1. Krystal Hernandez
    An event that shows three characteristics of Beowulf being an epic hero is when he rips off Grendel's arm and leaves him to die in the lair.In addition, he beheads Grendel's mother and kills the dragon. One characteristic in this event shows bravery, because no one else was willing to step up to the plate and do the dirty work. Other characteristics are dedication and strength, because even after he ripped his arm off he went back to the lair to make sure he was dead and he must be very strong to kill all three of them.

  2. Erika Puente: 1/2 period
    Another example of Beowulf as an epic hero is the advent of the dragon. Beowulf risks his life as a King in order to protect his people. And while his men run in cowardice, he bravely faces the dragon. Thus, Beowulf like an epic hero displays bravery, risks death for the greater good/ glory, and is a strong, responsible leader.

  3. One event in Beowulf that shows three epic hero charaxteristics is when Beowulf fights Grendel. The three epic hero characteristics that are potrayed are bravery, courage, & risking death for glory. Beowulf shows bravery and courage by fighting a vicious monster than no one would even consider fighting. He also risks his death for glory by fighting Grendel.

  4. Rebecca Wright
    7/8 Pd.
    The event that describes an epic hero’s characteristics is when Beowulf and the dragon have their battle so that Beowulf could once again make things safe for his people. Beowulf had to do this because the dragon was essentially on a killing spree. As soon as Beowulf found out about the dragon savagely murdering people, he went to battle the dragon to restore the safety among his people, even though it cost him his life. One characteristic present in this event would be that he risks death for glory or for the greater good for society, because the dragon was evil and dangerous, Beowulf gave his life to help save and protect his society. Another characteristic in this event would be that Beowulf performs brave deeds because Beowulf fought the malicious dragon fearlessly to defend other people. The last characteristic shown in this event would be that Beowulf was a strong and responsible leader because not very many leaders would give their lives to save people from a murderous dragon, they would only think of themselves. Beowulf knew what had to be done and did it regardless of how treacherous the situation was.

  5. Brenda Rodriguez...1/2pd
    An event that shows the 3 epic hero characteristics in Beowulf is when at the beiginnig of the story, the epic hero, Beowulf takes a long journey from his land to king Hrothgar's land and in the midst of turmoil for the king and his people, fights and risks his life,but puts an end to the struggle of the people with the vicious monster named Grendel.

  6. Milton Garcia 5/6

    An event that shows Beowulf being an epic hero is when he fights Grendel. Beowulf is considered an epic hero because he kills Grendel and demonstrates superior qualities like strength and courage. He demonstrates his immense strength when he rips off Grendel's arm with his bare hands and he shows superior courage when he fights Grendel using only his hands. The third reason why Beowulf is an epic hero is because he risks personal danger in fighting with Grendel. Beowulf actually decides to fight with a monster that has killed many people, and decides to do it alone.

  7. Samantha Flores

    An event in which shows Beowulf having epic hero qualities is the time in the poem when Beowulf kills Grendel. He decides to fight against Grendel for the safety of the people. Grendels monsterous ways made innocent people suffer. Beowulf shows signs of being an epic hero by showing signs of fearlessness/bravery, and strength. When Beowulf finally kills Grendel he rips off his arm with the strength of his bare hands. He shows signs of fearlessness by fighting him alone with no one by his side or with anyone elses help. Beowulf later on in the poem continued to show his epic hero qualities by killing Grendels mother and killing the dragon alone as he did by killing Grendal on his own.

  8. Jesus Gonzalez

    Even though Beowulf portrays some characteristics of an epic hero from beginning to end, one can really notice the extent of these similarities when Beowulf goes to battle with the dragon. To begin with, the main cause, motivator, and reason to fight the cavernous dragon was to stop his killing spree and reign of terror. In simpler words, Beowulf had to protect the citizens of his Kingdom. A noble cause really, one worthy of being a characteristic of an epic hero. That being said (I am now one-third of the way), in order to fight a dragon one must be very brave and courageous (talking from personal experience of course). Both of which are epic hero characteristics, and do justice to Beowulf. Now, as illogical as it might sound, fighting a monstrous, abominable dragon comes with health related risks (which include and are limited to: Death!). Strangely enough, and much to my surprise, this risking your life to protect others is yet another epic hero characteristic that Beowulf possesses (seriously, who would of thought). Leaving all sarcasm behind, Beowulf indeed shows epic hero characteristics when he bravely risks his own life fighting the dragon in order to protect his people. That much, no one can deny.

  9. Whitney Arnold 1/2 AB

    Beowulf can be considered to be one of the greatest epic heros of all time due to the fact that he strongly possesses majority (if not all) of the qualities of an epic hero. Examples of this are evident throughout the entire book however, I believe that the most prominent example is when Beowulf is fighting Grendel's mother. In this fight Beowulf is coming back because Grendel's mother has come to unleash her terror on the Danes just as her son Grendel did before. Beowulf, still wanting the fame and glory to continue, goes in search of the wicked creature along with his men but ends up defeating her alone bringing back trophies from both of his battles. This particular fight can be considered extremely "epic" because it shows a greater sense of Beowulf's pride. Although it is made to seem like he is returning to fight for the sake of the people he is really returning due to his heightened ego. This fight is brave and life-threatening no doubt, but for the most part, not done for the right reasons. This is quality number one not only because of the brave act, but rather because Beowulf reflects the ideas of this particular society. Like society at this time, he holds fame and glory above all else. Quality number two would be the second reason for Beowulf's return--because he feels responsible for Grendel's mother's vengeance. Since Beowulf killing Grendel is the reason for the new attacks on the land he takes full responsibility and returns to fight again showing his strength and responsibility as a leader. The third quality (although not the last exemplified by this battle) is that Beowulf risks his life by diving into the lake to fight Grendel's mother knowing there is a great chance he may never be seen again. By doing so, one of the greatest characteristics of heroism is shown. Although Beowulf does not only risk his life for the greater good of the community but for himself as well, he also does it for society's sake making this another example of Beowulf's epic hero qualities.

  10. Mariela Rodriguez
    7/8th pd.

    In my perspective Beowulf fulfills the characteristics of an epic hero in the beginning of the poem when he volunteers to battle Grendel and stop his killing rampage. He expresses the characteristics of bravery,supernatural ability and intelligence . He shows bravery when without thinking twice he decides to save the people from Hrothgar's kingdom from Grendel's atrocious activities risking his own life in the process.His supernatural ability tends to be seen when Beowulf with his bare hands ripped out Grendel's arm during the fight.Beowulf also is not only a warrior but also a leader he learns to develop a plan which would eventually lead to him defeating Grendel.

  11. Thomas Ray Garcia 5/6
    One of the events that distinguishes Beowulf as an epic hero is his battle against Grendel in Herot. Beowulf embarking on a quest to Herot is the first epic hero characteristic that comes to mind. The quest in this case is for Beowulf (hero) to arrive in Denmark (destination) and defeat Grendel (beast) for fame (purpose). The fact that Beowulf travels all the way from Geatland in order to put a stop to Grendel's slaughter and ends up fighting the beast alone exemplifies his bravery, another characteristic of an epic hero. During his battle with Grendel, Beowulf single handedly rips the monster's arm off. This demonstrates the third epic hero characteristic of superior strength.

  12. Bianca Villanueva
    1/2 period

    Beowulf displays great strength, loyalty, and optimism when he volunteers to save his kingdom from the avaricious dragon that is terrorizing Geatland. Along with Beowulf's great physical strength, that is repeatedly displayed throughout the epic poem, he also displays great psychological strength by setting his mind to do what no one else dares to do, especially in their old age years. Also, King Beowulf demonstrates loyalty to his kingdom by risking his own life for theirs and being the best leader by acting in such a manner that is the best for his people. Furthermore, the "Geats' Lord" (pg. 72) shows a great deal of optimism by looking past the many obstacles that could occur even before he confronts the dragon and by believing that he could take the beast down and solve the Geats' problems. Ultimately, King Beowulf loses his life in the battle against the dragon, but not before(with the help of Wiglaf) slaying the abominable monster and dying as a glorified and famous epic hero.

  13. Thank you to everyone who participated in the extra credit...time is officially up!!! I will read each comment and award credit accordingly :D


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