Sunday, September 25, 2011

beowulf extra credit

Mayra Estrella 7/8th
An event that shows epic hero qualities in Beowulf is when he battles Grendel to stop the savage beasts' killing spree. Beowulf pretends to be asleep as he waits for Grendel to arrive at the hall and once he does, he takes the life of a fellow Geat by ripping him apart, drinking the blood from his veins, and eating him whole. Then he fiend makes his way to Beowulf and realizes that there is something peculiar and different about him. The fight then commences and Grendel tries to escape but Beowulf rips his arm off. Three epic hero characteristics shown by Beowulf in these events would be confidence, courage, and super human strength. Confidence is shown because he was so sure that he would defeat Grendel. Beowulf is courageouss because he dared to fight and confront the beast that everyone was running from. Lastly, Beowulf has superhuman strength because he was able to literally rip out Grendel's whole arm out of its socket.

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